March 16, 2005

Dear Dr. Laser,

Thank you for your help! You were instrumental in saving my practice and getting me through a traumatic time in my life. Your tapes allowed me to have multiple biopsies with little pain and a feeling of actual well-being!

As a medical director and primary care physician in the Boston area, I attended an Alternative Medicine conference in the Spring of 2002. Dr. Laser and her associates were presenting convincing information on the benefits of hypnotherapy during surgical procedures. My interest was all technical: to learn how to alleveiate pain for my patients who were frail and unable to take large quantities of analgesics without serious side effects. Little did I know that I would soon require Dr. Laser's skills for myself!

In September 2002, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Being a healthy 38-year-old prior to this diagnosis, I experienced anxiety and many sleepless nights after I found out. Worse-case scenarios entered my nights, keeping me up. I lost my ability to concentrate. During this time, I required one biopsy in radiology with a specialized "drill" or mammatome. Following the biopsy, I would require breast surgeries under light anasthesia. I went to Dr. Laser for help to regain my ability to work, sleep and tolerate the procedures. With a custom hypnotherapeutic tape made by Dr. Laser, I was able to finally get sleep and have painlessness. I simply concentrated on the tape and fell into a deep state of relaxation from which I would return with an overall feeling of optimism. I had regained my ability to concentrate for hours after I played the tape. Pain seemed to be greatly diminished and I was able to tolerate the surgeries with little pain.

Following two years of good health, I had a recurrence of breast cancer. I did not use the tape right away. Instead, I suffered through a procedure with more pain. Subsequently, I did not forget my tape recorder! Once again, my pain was greatly diminished. I beat breast cancer! Dr. Laser's words have become part of my way of confronting many stressful situations at home and at work. Her taped message has given me great confidence and peace.

I recommend hypnotherapy to all my patients who are confronting any health or personal challenges. It is especially important if a person is planning surgery.


Elisabeth Broderick, M.D.