Could Virtual Lap Band Hypnosis Work for You?

Chicago, IL – In the United States nearly 64% of adults are considered overweight or obese – making obesity an epidemic that must be controlled. Surgery has become a popular option for extreme cases, but the procedure, like any surgery, is potentially dangerous. Psychotherapist Eleanor Laser, Ph.D. is one expert who doesn’t believe surgery is necessary for dramatic weight loss. Instead, the Chicago specialist and author utilizes the power of the mind to become aware of the feeling of fullness, and reduce the intake of food. This process is known as Virtual Lap Band Hypnotic Procedure.

When Dr. Laser’s clients undergo Virtual Lap Band Hypnosis, they are convinced that they have an adjustable lap band fitted to their stomach, reducing their stomach size to that of a golf ball, in the same way stomach is in the traditional surgery. With this virtual band the clients stomach feels full with three small meals a day and eliminates pain, discomfort, or health risks associated with surgical intervention. A weight loss of 1 – 2 pounds per week can be expected with more weight being lost the first week of the program.

“I believe the success of Virtual Lap Band Hypnosis can be attributed to the fact that, unlike the lap band surgical procedure, the underlying psychological causes of unwanted weight gain are addressed prior to hypnosis,” states Dr. Laser. Clients must undergo four professionally-led therapy sessions before receiving lap band hypnosis. Suggestion and visualization, two powerful hypnotic techniques, are employed to help them regain control of their eating behavior and master the emotions that are the driving force behind their weight problem.

This procedure works to reproduce the physical benefits of Lap Band surgery. When this procedure is introduced to the subconscious mind, it accepts it as if you had the actual surgery. Following the Virtual Lap Band Hypnosis session, the client believes and feels that their stomach is actually smaller and achieves a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with less food.

“This easy no diet method is working for me. I have a steady weight loss without worrying about what and when to eat. I feel lighter physically and emotionally,” says one of Dr. Laser’s patients.

Eleanor Laser, PhD, is a psychotherapist with extensive experience in using hypnosis for medical procedures, including hypnosis-assisted childbirth and surgery. The international lecturer is also the co-author of the book Patient Sedation without Medication. An Approved Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), Dr. Laser has taught hypnosis techniques to psychologists and medical professionals around the world.

For more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with Eleanor Laser, Ph.D. Laserhypnosis.com 312-961-7727 elaser7635@aol.com