About Dr. Laser

Eleanor Laser, PhD, is a clinical psychologist with extensive experience in using procedure hypnosis and hypnosis-assisted childbirth to ensure healthy patient outcomes. In addition to her private practice, she works in a number of medical settings. Dr. Laser is widely published and lectures internationally. She has taught hypnosis techniques to psychologists and medical professionals around the world. Dr. Laser is an Approved Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). She has served as trainer at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics in the Department of Interventional Radiology. At the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, she partnered with Dr. Lang to develop training programs in rapid rapport and hypnosis adapted to the fast paced nature of the modern patient encounter.


1986     Ph.D. - Psychology
Union Graduate School
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dissertation Title: "The Case of the Quiet Little Storms", a study in hypnotherapy within the psychology of the Adlerian framework in treating a client with epileptic seizures.  Laser's study supports the idea that the combination of hypnotherapy techniques with an Adlerian therapeutic framework is a successful modality in the treatment of a client with epileptic seizures.  The study also demonstrates the successful use of hypnotherapy in eliciting early recollections (ER's) in a client having difficulty producing ER's in the waking state.

1984     M.A. - Counseling Psychology
Alfred Adler Institute
Chicago, Illinois

Dissertation Title: "An Adlerian Weight Control Group"

1981     Ph.D. - Psychology
Union Graduate School
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dissertation Title: "The Relationship Between Obesity, Early Recollections, and Adlerian Adult Life Style Central Themes"

1980     Johns Hopkins University
To        Department of Psychology, Health and Weight Department
1981     M. Simonson, Ph.D.
Baltimore, Maryland

1980     Old Orchard Hospital
To         Skokie, Illinois
1981     H. Kaplan, M.D. and C.C. Anderson, Ph.D.

1974     Alfred Adler Institute
Chicago, Illinois
Certified in Child Guidance and Family Counseling

1973     M.A. in Human Learning and Development, Human Resources Services
Governor's State University
Park Forest South, Illinois


Year Provider Name Course/Activity CE Hours
2025 The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis Hypnosis, Meditation, and Neuroscience: Integration and Application
March 2
The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis Professional Ethics and Boundaries
March 1
2024 The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to an Induction: When Humor Enhances Hypnosis
June 9
Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Stress and Anxiety in Children Differ Yet Have Similar Impacts. How Can Self-Hypnosis Training Help?
April 21
Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Altered States of Consciousness, the Human Skin, and Skin Disorders: Spiritual and Religious Perspectives
March 12
Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Re-thinking Depression: Insights Emerging from Hard Times
March 9
2023 The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis Planning Treatment Using Clinical Hypnosis
Nov. 18-19
2021 Florida Continuing Education Substance Abuse and Addiction
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education The Climate Crisis and Its Implications for Mental Health in the 21st Century
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Not Too Boring 3 Hour Laws and Rules of the Board Review
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Traumatic Soul Injury
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Domestic Violence: Inside the Minds of Men Who Batter and the Women who Live Them
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education HIV/AIDS for the Compassionate Clinician
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Medical Marijuana
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Teletherapy and the Pandemic of the Coronavirus
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Technology: A New Weapon in the Hands of Domestic Abusers
Dec. 24
Florida Continuing Education Medical Errors for the Wise Therapist
Dec. 24
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Rapid Hypnosis for Medical and Dental Encourters
Oct. 29
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Changing Minds With and About Clinical Hypnosis
Jan. 14
2020 Provider Affordable CEUs by McMillan and Wife Medical Errors For The Wise Therapist
Oct. 26
Provider Affordable CEUs by McMillan and Wife Domestic Violence In Depth
Oct. 26
Provider Affordable CEUs by McMillan and Wife Laws And Rules For Therapists
Oct. 26
Provider Affordable CEUs by McMillan and Wife Laws And Rules of the 11 Board
Oct. 26
Florida Continuing Education Masochistic Combo 13
Int'l Assoc. of Counselors and Therapists and Int'l Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Galaxy of Stars Educational Symposium
Sept. 28
2019 PESI Rewire the Anxious Brain: Certificate Course in Applied Neuroscience for Treating Anxiety, Panic, and Worry
April 29
2017 The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 68th Annual Conference
Oct. 25–29
Urban Balance “How to Increase Self-Esteem & Empower Clients”
June 23
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis “Online Delivery of Gut-directed Hypnotherapy for IBS”
May 10
Affordable CEUS by McMillan and Wife “Domestic Violence: Myths, Misconceptions and Reality”
Feb. 19
Affordable CEUS & PsyCare “MH Ethics”
Feb. 19
Affordable CEUS by McMillan and Wife “3 Hour Laws and Rules Review”
Feb. 19
Affordable CEUS by McMillan and Wife “The Prevention of Medical Errors For Mental Health Professionals (Live)”
Feb. 19
2016 National Guild of Hypnotists Inc. “Pain Control & Emergency Hypnosis”
Oct. 9
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Schaumburg Regional Workshop – Intermediate Workshop
Sept. 15–18
Ascend Consultation in Health Care “The Benefits of Self Awareness in First and Second Careers”
July 22
Eating Recovery Center “Phone Coaching Outside of Session: How to Create Effective and Supportive Boundaries,” Presented by Hannah Middleman, LCSW
July 8

National Guild of Hypnotists Inc.

“Pain Control & Emergency Hypnosis”
May 14


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

“Creativity & Hypnosis”
Presented by Scott Hoye, Psy.D.
April 20



Anthony Robbins

“Date with Destiny”
Dec. 8


Anthony Robbins

“Unleash the Power Within”
July 16


Anthony Robbins

“Business Mastery”
Jan. 13


Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, Inc.

Problem and Compulsive Gambling Training, “The Dream World of the Gambler”
Sept. 23


International Association of Counselors & Therapists, International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association®

Virtual Stream - HypnoExpo
May 15–17



New York Hypnosis Training Center

2-day course


International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association Dedicated to Healing: Body, Mind, and Spirit

Membership Certificate


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH)

Skin Diseases and Advanced Workshop + Presentation



The Institute for Medical Studies and ASC Communications, Inc.

The 20th Annual Ambulatory ASC Conference


Illinois Mental Health Counselors

The Anatomy of Change



Victories of the Heart

Bringing Courageous Love to Intimate Relationships, Nov. 9, 2012, with Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.


The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Skin Procedures and Disorders, Oct. 10, 2012


The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

Facilitating Cognitive Behavioral Interventions with Hypnosis, Oct. 11, 2012


The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

Rapid Inductions, Oct. 11, 2012


The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

Future Focused Hypnotherapy, Oct. 12, 2012



The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis – New Orleans, LA

62nd Annual Meeting
Sept. 14-18, 2011


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Oak Brook Regional Workshop -- Faculty


Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Jordan I. Zarren, MSW

Healing Hurtful Habits Using Brief Cognitive Hypnosis



Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Heterogeneity in High Hypnotic Suggestibility


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Tools of Intention: Uses of Hypnosis with Positive Psychology


The Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Boston MA

61st Annual Meeting


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Frischholz-Scheflin presentation on the 1985 AMA report on Refreshing Recollections with Hypnosis and its Implications for Clinical Practice


Colonoscopy Clinic, Peoria IL, Dr. Eli Kuga

Introduction in Communication Skills to reduce anxiety for medical procedure



Introduction to hypnosis for Nurses, CRNA's "Patient Sedation Without Medication," Skokie, IL


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Advanced Hypnosis Workshop - Oakbrook, IL


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Presented Film "Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia"


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Workshop: Adler School of Professional Psychology


Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

Lost in Translation: Issues in Treating Immigrant Populations



Canadian society of Clinical Hypnosis, Ontario Division

Advanced Workshops in Clinical Hypnosis


Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis

Somatic Healing



American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Accreditation for Approved Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Re-establish Membership Status


National Institute of Sports Professionals

Certified Sports Counselor


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis and Neurofeedback


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Uses of Clinical Hypnosis in the Treatment of Dissociative Symptomatology


Chicago EMDRIA

Know the Why & How to Choose Your What: Some Essentials of EMDR Model & Methodology


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops, Faculty Level


Chicago EMDRIA

EMDR in the Management of Chronic Pain



Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Empathy and Hypnosis: The Empathic Involvement Hypothesis


North American Society of Adlerian Psychology

The Four Directions and Seven Methods of Encouragement


EDMR International Association

The Challenge of Difficult EMDR Cases or When EMDR Does Not Work


Academy for Continued Hypnosis Education (International), Oct. 5

Hypnosis for Childbirth UK & USA


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis, May 12

Hypnosis and Burn Treatment



Certified in Aru-Point Laser Therapy

Professional Development Resources

Preventing Medical Errors


National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

The Art of Trance Induction: Permission, Inclusion and Evocation – How to Use Hypnosis to Create Clinical Results – Hypnosis with Special Clinical Issues


The Strength-Based Approach with Bill O'Hanlon, MS, LMFT

National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine


NICABM the Psychology of Health, Immunity and Disease Conference, DEC 4-10

Hilton Head Island South Carolina


FL Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Imaging the Problem, Healing the Problem



Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association

Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling Supervision


Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association

Assessing Boundaries and Building the Supervisory Relationship


The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis, Chronic Pain, and Trauma


Chicago Alderian Society

Socratic Questioning: The Art of Precision Guesswork



Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Emotional Comfort


Santa Fe, New Mexico-Lectured

Hypnosis in the Operating Room


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

The Utilization of Hypnosis in Pain Management


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Talking to the Amygdala: Advancing the Science of Hypnosis


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

SCEH 55th Annual Scientific Program



Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

54th Annual Scientific Program


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Performance Enhancement in Hypnosis


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Hypnoanalysis/EMDR Techniques in the Practice of Ego State Therapy


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

SCEH Trauma: Treatment and Transformation


Westbrook Educational Group

Westbrook Educational Group Homeopathy and Homotoxicology


Harvard Medical School

Integrating Complementary Therapies into Clinical Practice Cases (Day 4)



Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

SCEH Scientific Program

Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Pain Management


Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Introduction to Hypnosis & Eating Disorders


NLP Institute of Chicago, Inc.

Personal and Professional Coaching with NLP


Community Health Institute


Harvard Medical School/ ACCME

Division for Research and Education in Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapies



American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

44th Annual Scientific Meeting & Workshop


National Association of Social Workers

Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential



Adler School of Professional Psychology --
Chicago, IL

"8thAnnual Mind/Body Conference: Exploring the Mystery of Self: Ego States within the Body-Mind"
October 14, 2001


Suzanne Connolly Workshops -- Lisle, Illinois

"Thought Field Therapy Levels I & II" June 22 & 23, 2001 


NGH Continuing Education Workshop -- New York, New York

"Hypnosis for Sports Enhancements" April 29, 2001



American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Miami, Florida

"Advanced – Mind/Body" December 14-17, 2000


Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. -- Winnetka, Illinois

Advanced Pranic Healing April 16, 2000


Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. -- Winnetka, Illinois

Pranic Psychotherapy April 14, 2000


Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. -- Winnetka, Illinois

Pranic Healing Course March 26, 2000


Second Congress of the International Association for Laser and Sports Medicine -- Rosario, Argentina

March 10-12, 2000


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Baltimore, Maryland

42nd Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops – Advanced Level
February 26-28, 2000



The American Psychotherapy Association -- New York, New York

"Hypnosis for Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia-Hypnosis for Surgery"
October 31, 1999


International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association -- Detroit, Michigan

"Transpersonal Hypnotherapy"
October 24, 1999


International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association -- Detroit, Michigan

"Medical Hypnosis"
October 20-21, 1999


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Chicago, Illinois

"The First Annual Case Conference"
October 3, 1999


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Chicago, Illinois

5th Annual Mind-Body Conference
"Exploring Paradigms in Mind/Body Treatment"
February 21, 1999



Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis -- Chicago, Illinois

49th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program
November 12-15, 1998


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Orlando, Florida

Orlando Regional Workshop
Advanced 1 – Hypnosis in Behavioral Medicine
November 5-8, 1998


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Mac Neal Hospital, Berwyn, Illinois

Fourth Annual Mind-Body Conference
Advanced 1 – Hypnosis in Behavioral Medicine


Mid-America Hypnosis Conference

The "Why & How" of Mind, Body and Spirit
September 25-27, 1998


HypnoBirthing Institute

HypnoBirthing Practitioner Certification Course
August 10-11, 1998


Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health -- Portland, Oregon

NLP World Health Community Conference
Hypnosis for Surgery
June 19-21, 1998


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Regional Workshop
Education and Research
May 21-24, 1998


Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis

4th Annual Mind-Body Conference
"Hypnosis in Traditional and Alternative Medicine" at MacNeal Hospital
March 1, 1998



Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis -- Washington, D.C.

48th Annual Meeting and Scientific Program
"Hypnosis in Traditional and Alternative Medicine" at MacNeal Hospital
November 13-16, 1997


14th Annual Mid America Hypnosis Conference, Inc. -- Skokie, Illinois

September 26-28, 1997


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- San Diego, California

14th International Congress of Hypnosis Scientific Meetings
June 21-27, 1997


National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine -- Monterey, California

Consciousness, Creativity and Chaos
March 31 – April 6, 1997



Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)

82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
December 1-6, 1996


Illinois Psychological Association-- Chicago, Illinois

Psychology and the Mind-Body Connection
November 7-9, 1996


The National Board for Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Anesthesiology

Certified Medical Hypnotherapist
September 21, 1996


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Orlando, Florida

38th Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop on Clinical Hypnosis
Approved Consultant Certified
March 23-25, 1996


Sidney A. Schneider Training Center for Hypnosis -- Skokie, Illinois



Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) -- Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.--
Pacific Grove, California

Level II Training Completed
October 21-22, 1995


American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Inc.
-- New Orleans, Louisiana

Anatomy of Sinuses, Paranasal Sinuses, Tinnitus
September 18, 1995


American Society of Clinical Hypnosis -- Chicago, Illinois

Training Workshop
September 14-17, 1995


Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center -- Chicago, Illinois

Bridging Conventional and Complimentary Medicine
April 5, 1995


Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association -- Chicago, Illinois

Review Workshop
March 25, 1995


American Counseling Association -- DSM-IV
Moraine Valley Community College -- Palos Hills, Illinois

March 11, 1995



Illinois Society for Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Children
May, 1994


Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EDMR) -- Francine Shapiro, Ph.D
Pacific Grove, California

Level I Training Completed
June 6, 1994


1995 to

World Health Community Certification, Robert Dilts --
Salt Lake City, Utah

NLP: Advanced Neuro Linguistic Programming



Mind Body Healing Training -- Chicago, IL

Earnest Rossi, Ph.D. - 4 days


Personal Evaluation Training -- San Diego, California

John Grindler, Ph.D.
July 10-12, 1992


Richard Bandler -- San Diego, California

Public Speaking Training
May-June, 1992


1990     Mind Body Healing Hypnosis
David Cheek, M.D.
New York, New York   September, 1990

Oasis Center
Ericksonian Hypnosis
David Cheek, M.D.
Chicago, Illinois   March 30 and April 1, 1990   1 CE HR

Chicago Society for Clinical Hypnosis
Special Scientific Program: Child Hypnotherapy Intervention in Illness
Dan Kohen, Ph.D.
February, 1990

1989     Milton Erickson Institute of Chicago
Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing
Intensive Training - Ernest Rossi, Ph.D.
October, 1989

Chicago Institute of NLP: Master Practitioner Neuro-Linguistic Programming
March, 1989
Specialized Training for Overweight & Obesity - Trim Fit Hypnotherapy
April, 1989

Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Divorce Mediation Certification
Dr. Carl Schneider & Zina Zinnita, J.D.
February 9-10, 16-17, 1989

1987     Midwest Institute for Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP
Robert Dilts
January 10-11, 1987

1986          Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center
Neurology for the Non-Neurologist
December 10-12, 1986

A Framework for Family Therapy
Salvodore & Patricia Minuchin
November 8-9, 1986

Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
Pain Control - Hypnosis
Dr. Harold Crasikneck
September 23-28, 1986

Ericksonian Hypnosis: The Parts Model
Paul Carter, Ph.D.
August 1-4, 1986

1985     Ideomotor Techniques with Hypnosis
David Cheek
Chicago, Illinois   November 16-17, 1985   1 CE HR

University of Chicago: Hypnosis
Erica Fromm, Ph.D.
Chicago, Illinois June, 1985

Ericksonian Hypnosis
Paul Carter, Ph.D. & Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D.
February 27 - March 3, 1985   5 days

Ericksonian Hypnosis
Michael, Ph.D.
February 9-10, February 23-24, 1985

Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis
Bennett G. Braun, M.D. & Richard Horovitz, Ph.D. - Course Directors
28 hours over 10 weeks
On-going Supervision: Associated Mental Health Services

International Congress on Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
Milton Erickson
Phoenix, Arizona - 36.5 hours

Seminar in Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis
T.X. Baker, Ph.D.
Chicago, Illinois - 12 hours

1984     Hypnotism Training Institute for Los Angeles, California
Certified Hypnotherapist
Los Angeles, California

1981          Association in Advance Ethical Hypnosis
New Jersey

Back to top


"Hypnosis as a Counseling Tool," Contact an Illinois Counseling Association Publication, January 1999, Vol. 51, #1.

"Hypnotist Applies Skills to Health," Pioneer Press, August 27, 1998. (Click here to read)

"Hypnosis Casts a Spell of Respectability," Chicago Tribune, February 9, 1986.(Click here to read)


"How Hypnosis Can Reduce Medical Procedure Stress" AssociatedContent.com, April 20,2011

"Benefits of Virtual Lap Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Interview with Therapist Eleanor Laser Ph.D. " AssociatedContent.com, April 2,2011


Laser ED, Shenefelt PD: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Hypnotically Resolved. J ALTERN MED RES 2018; 10(4): 377-380.

Eleanor D. Laser & Michael Sassack (2012)"No Urge to Purge: Treating Bulimia with Hypnosis and Low-Level Light Therapy"

Eleanor D. Laser & Philip D. Shenefelt (2012): Hypnosis to Alleviate the Symptoms of Ciguatera Toxicity: A Case Study, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 54:3, 179-183

"Effect of Team Training on Patients' Ability to Complete MRI Examinations" (co-authored with Elvira V. Lang, MD, FSIR, FSCEH and Cayte Ward, BA) Academic Radiology, Vol 17, No 1, January 2010.

Lang EV, Laser E. A Resource Guide for Doctors, Nurses, and Technologists: Patient Sedation Without Medication - Rapid rapport and quick hypnotic technique. Trafford Publishing, 2009

Lang EV, Berbaum K, Faintuch S, Hatsiopoulou O, Halsey N, Li X, Berbaum M, Laser E., Baum J. Adjunctive self-hypnotic relaxation for outpatient medical procedures: A prospective randomized trial with women undergoing large core needle biopsy of the breast. Pain, 2006; 126:155-164

Lang EV, Berbaum, KS, Faintuch S, Hatsiopoulou O, Halsey N, Li X, Berbaum ML, Laser E, Baum J. "Adjunctive self-hypnotic relaxation for outpatient medical procedures: A prospective randomized trial with women undergoing large core breast biopsy," International Association for the Study of Pain, p 155-164 2006

Lang EV, Berbaum KS, Pauker S, Faintuch S, Salazar GM, Lutgendorf SK, Laser E., Logan H, Spiegel, D. Beneficial effects of hypnosis and adverse effects of empathic attention during percutaneous tumor treatment: When being nice does not suffice. J Vasc Intervent Radiol, June 2008; In press

Lang EV, Laser E., Anderson B, Potter J, Hatsiopoulou O, Lutgendorf S, Logan H. Shaping the experience of behavior: Construct of an electronic teaching module in nonpharmacologic analgesia and anxiolysis. Acad Radiol., 2002; 9: 1185-1193

Consultant and Trainer for "Adjunctive non-pharmacological analgesia for invasive medical procedures: a randomised trial," Lancet, 2000.

"Nonpharmacologic Analgesia and Anxiolysis for Interventional Radiological Procedures," Seminars in Interventional Radiology, 1999.

"Hypnosis in Radiology," Medical Hypnosis: An Introduction and Clinical Guide, 1999.

Lang EV, Lutgendorf S, Logan H, Benotsch EG, Laser E., Spiegel D. Nonpharmacologic analgesia and anxiolysis for interventional radiological procedures. Seminars in Interventional Radiology, 1999; 16: 113-123

Lang EV, Laser E. Communicating with the Patient: Luxury or Necessity? Acad Radiol., 1996; 3:786-788

Training manual and video - "Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia – Hypnosis for Surgery," University of Iowa Hospital Department of Radiology, 1995-1997.

"The Man Who Came in From the Cold," accepted for publication, Spring 1995.

"The Laser Method for Weight Control," American Journal of Bariatric Medicine, Spring 1994.

"How to Change Your Life Through Age Regression in Brief Therapy," NLP World Health Community News, May 1994.

"A Group Approach to Stop Smoking," Individual Psychology, The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research and Practice, December 1991.

"Case of Trichotillomania," Individual Psychology, The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research and Practice, December 1991.

"Case of The Quiet Little Storms," Individual Psychology, The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research and Practice, March 1991.

"An Adlerian Weight Control Group," Individual Psychology, The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 1985.

"The Relationship Between Obesity, Early Recollection, and Adult Life Style" Individual Psychology, The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 40, No. 4, March 1984.


E Health Radio podcast, http://healthpodcast.podbean.com "Most Common Obstacles of Weight Loss with Dr. Eleanor Laser" -- March 1, 2011 Click here to listen.

Laura Dion-Jones radio talk show, WRMN 1410 AM. "Weight loss and understanding eating issues." – December 23, 2009

"CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood, The Charles Osgood Files" - 2004  CBS 2 Chicago.

"WGN Nightly News, Special Report, Hypnosis for Childbirth" - Dr. Eleanor Laser Featured - 2002


"Analgesia and Sedation in the Radiology Department." Refresher Course Lang EV, Miller FJ Jr, Laser E, Terwey B. The Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, December 1997

"Analgesia and Sedation in the Radiology Department." Refresher Course Lang EV, Miller FJ Jr, Laser E, Terwey B. The Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, December 1998


Lang EV, Anderson B, Laser E. Development of an Electronic Teaching Module in Therapeutic Communication Skills. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Proceedings of the Medical Education Day Oct 29, 2002. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA: 2002: 38

Anderson B. Hatsiopoulou O, Laser E, Lang EV. Electronic Teaching of Patient-Doctor Interactions. 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the RSNA, Chicago, Dec 1- 6, 2002: 756. Awarded with a Certificate of Merit.


Trainer and consultant in Hypnosis for Surgery - non-pharmacologic analgesia
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - A Teaching Hospital of Harvard Medical School
Department of Interventional Radiology
Boston, Mass.

Linden Oakes Hospital
Naperville, Illinois

Miro Holistic Center - Connie Catelani, M.D.
Evanston, Illinois
Bridging Conventional and Alternative Medicine

Whole Health Care - Dr. David Edelberg
Chicago, Illinois


Lang EV, Anderson B, Laser E. Development of an electronic teaching module in therapeutic communication skills. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Proceedings of the Medical Education Day Oct 29, 2002. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA: 2002: 38

Lang EV, Hatsiopoulou O, Baum J, Laser E, Barrett D. Self-hypnotic relaxation as an adjunct to local anesthesia during large-core breast biopsy. The Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting Era of Hope 2002. Proceedings Volume III, p 57-4. Also on http://cdmrp.army.mil/bcrp/era.


  • American Board of Professional Counselors - Board Certified in Professional Counseling
  • American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
  • American Counseling Association
  • American Health and Science Society
  • American Personnel and Guidance Association (APAGA)
  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • American Psychotherapy Association, Certified Diplomat, Fellow
  • American Society of Bariatric Physicians
  • American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH)
  • Cambridge WhoÕs Who
  • Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis (CSCH), President May 1998 – May 2000
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR)
  • Illinois Association for Counseling and Development – Clinical Member
  • Illinois Psychological Association
  • International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy, Inc. - Diplomat in Professional Psychotherapy
  • International Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • International Association of Therapeutic Specialists
  • International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA)
  • International Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ISCH)
  • International Society of Hypnosis
  • Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health (Special Membership and Training)
  • National Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • National Association of Sports Counselors
  • National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists, Inc.-Certified Diplomat in Clinical
  • Hypnotherapy – Public Service
  • National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
  • National Board for Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Anesthesiology
  • North American Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Inc. – Master Practitioner
  • North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP)
  • Organization Through Rehabilitation and Training (ORT)
  • Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Back to top


Feb./Mar. 2007

Hypnosis and Teaching Workshop training for technicians placing patients in MRI Scanners
North Shore Magnetic Imaging Center in Peabody Mass.

2005 -

With Child Inc.
1165 N. Clark Street
Suite 614
Chicago, IL 60610


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, A Teaching Hospital of Harvard Medical School


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, A Teaching Hospital of Harvard Medical School
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia in Interventional Radiology"
Consultant and trainer
July 11-18, 2001


1999     Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia in Interventional Radiology"
Consultant for project
November 15-17, 1999

Channel 56 Talk Show
Medical Hypnosis
Hypnosis and Overeating
Merrillville, Illinois September 2, 1999

1998     The Union Institute
Doctoral Committee
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Learning Channel (TLC), Amazing Science
Hypnosis in Surgery
October 6, 1998

1997          Teaching Engagement: University of Iowa Hospital
To         "Interventional Hypnosis"
1995     Department of Radiology - Training Interventional Radiology Team in
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia – Hypnosis for Surgery"
Developed training manual and video tape of surgical cases

The Laser Method of Weight Control
Innovation of Hypnosis and the Hypothalamus – Resetting the Set Point
Video tape case presentation

1997     American Holistic Center - Dr. David Edelberg
To        Chicago, Illinois
1994     Bridging Conventional and Alternative Medicine

1988     Stop Smoking Programs – Hypnosis:

Lester B. Knight & Associates, Chicago, Illinois
Baum/Nechtow, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois
Laventhol & Horwath, New York, New York: Dallas, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio
Vita Foods, Chicago, Illinois
Laventhol & Horwath, Chicago, Illinois
Zahn Drug Company, Chicago, Illinois
Union Carbide, Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Mercantile, Chicago, Illinois
Salerno-Megowen Biscuit Company, Chicago, Illinois
M&L International, Niles, Illinois

1984     Director, East Bank Club Weight Control Program
East Bank Club
Chicago, Illinois

1982     Consultant, Director of Group Services
To        Institute for Stress Management & Weight Control
1981     Chicago, Illinois

1976     Established a Child Guidance & Family Center
To        Counseled Individual Parents and Children
1973     Trained Teachers of Children for Behavioral Problems of Children
Conducted Children's Groups
Salvation Army Day Care Facility-Settlement House
Chicago, Illinois

1998     Private Practice: Adlerian Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement
To         Desensitization and Processing (EMDR) and Medical Hypnotherapy and Anesthesiology.
1973     Individual, Child and Family Counseling, Marriage, Weight Control Therapy,
Smoking Cessation, General Psychotherapy, including a wide range of individual issues:
Psychosomatic Illnesses, Phobias, Medical Symptoms and Disease
            Family Education Association
            Evaluation and Treatment with Specific Cases
            Conducted Parent Discussion Groups Involving Child Behavior
            LaMaz Lecturer

1973     Director of Parenting Center, Consultant for Play Therapy Temple Beth El, Northbrook, Illinois

1962          Elementary School Teacher
To        Wilmot School District No. 110
          Deerfield, Illinois



Lang EV, Laser E. Hypnosis in Radiology. In Temes R. Contemporary Medical Hypnosis: A Clinical Guide. Churchill Livingstone 1998, 95-105

Salazar GMM, Faintuch S, Laser E, Lang EV. Hypnosis during invasive medical and surgical procedures. In Lynn, S, Kirsch I, Rhue (eds). Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis. American Psychological Association, 2006


2013 ASCH-Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit-Hypnosis for Skin Procedures and Disorders

March 16, 2013 Louisville KY


2013 Gastro Band Hypnosis --Workshop/Training-Arizona-Phoenix

2012    SCEH – Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
"Hypnosis for Skin Procedures and Disorders"
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Toronto, ON

2012     Grand Rounds - Swedish Covenant Hospital, Department of OB and Gynecology
"Hypnosis for Labor and Delivery"
May 21, 2012
Chicago, IL

2012     East Bank Club
"Hypnosis: What Is It and How Can It Help Me?"
February 13, 2012
Chicago, IL

2012     SPIE-- The International Society for Optics and Photonics
"No Urge to Purge: Treating Bulimia with Hypnosis and Low-Level Light Therapy"
January 20-22, 2012
San Francisco, CA

2011     ASCH-- American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Advanced Trainer in Workshops
September 22-25, 2011
Oak Brook, IL

2011     SCEH--Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
Chairman of the Intermediate Training Workshop
September 14-18, 2011
New Orleans, LA

2011     Presentation - International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) --Chicago chapter
April 10, 2011
Patient Sedation without Medication

2011     Charitable Presentation for Shaare Zedek Hospital -- presented in Evanston, IL
March 10, 2011
Patient Sedation without Medication

2010     Presentation - Alfred Alder School
April 4, 2010
Patient Sedation without Medication

2010     ASCH American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Presented Film "Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia"
Nashville TN. March 12, 2010

2010     University of Chicago
Student Center Inquiry
Power Napping
April 17, 2008

2001     43rd Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops on Clinical Hypnosis "Hypnosis on the Operating Room Table" Reno, Nevada March 23-27, 2001

2000     CSCH Annual Case Conference "The Laser Method of Weight Control: Hypnosis and the Hypothalamus: A Weight-Loss Metaphor" Chicago, Illinois September 17, 2000

Second Congress of the International Association for Laser and Sports Medicine 
"Hypnosis in Surgery"
Rosario, Argentina March 10-12, 2000

1999     International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) "Medical and Surgical Hypnosis" Detroit, Michigan October 21-26, 1999

ACFE/APA Joint Annual Meeting
"Methods of Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia – Hypnosis for Surgery"
New York, New York October 29, 1999 – November 1, 1999

Mid-America Hypnosis Conference: The Magic of Your Mind
"Weight Control"
Skokie, IL October 8-10, 1999

East Bank Club
"Hypnosis and Weight Loss"
Chicago, Illinois February 25, 1999

1998     Presbyterian St. LukeÕs North Shore Hospital "TOPS: Take Off Pounds Safely"
Skokie, Illinois November 15, 1998

Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the RSNA
"Non-Pharmacologic Anesthesia - Analgesia and Sedation"
Chicago, Illinois November 29 – December 4, 1998

Hypnoanesthesia & Hypnobirthing
Chicago, Illinois November 1, 1998

Mid-America Hypnosis
15th Annual Conference
"Hypnosis Anesthesia"
Skokie, Illinois September 26, 1998

Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Fourth Annual Mind-Body Conference
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia: Hypnosis for Surgery"
Mac Neal Hospital Berwyn, Illinois March 1, 1998

Female Health Associates, Ltd.
Presentation, "Hypnosis for Childbirth and Medical Hypnotherapy"
Oak Park, Illinois April 1998

American Association for the Study of Mental Illness
20th Annual Conference
"The Laser Method of Weight Control"
University of Pennsylvania, State College, Pennsylvania  June 13, 1998

IASH World Health Community Conference Program Committee
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia – Hypnosis for Surgery"
Portland, Oregon  June 19, 1998

National Guild of Hypnotists
Art Leidecker
"Training for Pre-Surgical Hypnosis and Recovery"
Chicago, Illinois  August 1998

1997     Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis  "Strategies in Pain Management"– "Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia" Washington D.C.  November 14, 1997

14th Annual Mid America Hypnosis Conference, Inc.
"The Laser Method of Weight Control"
Skokie, Illinois   September 26-28, 1997

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
14th International Congress of Hypnosis Scientific Meetings
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia"
San Diego, California   June 21-27, 1997  

National Guild of Hypnotists – Chicago Chapter
"Hypnosis for Surgery"
Skokie, Illinois   February 24, 1997

Chicago Hypnosis Society Panel
"Multimodal Intervention for Symptoms"
Chicago, Illinois

Transitions Bookstore
"Age Regression: Auto Immune Disease"
Chicago, Illinois

1996     Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
"Non-Pharmacologic Analgesia" December 1-6, 1996

Illinois Psychological Association
Psychology and the Mind-Body Connection
Chicago, Illinois   November 7-9, 1996

1995     Rush Medical School Panel Alternative Medicine - Mind/Body Therapy
Chicago, Illinois

Guest Speaker: Radio Show: "Insight"
Chicago, Illinois

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
"Therapeutic Changes in the First Session"
Chicago, Illinois September 1995

1994     Take Off Pounds Safely (TOPS) "The Laser Method of Weight Control"
Skokie, Illinois

Purdue University Panel
"Self Esteem in Women's Issues"
Michigan City, Indiana

1993     American Society of Bariatric Physicians "The Hypothalamus: Re-setting to the Set Point via Hypnotherapy" Chicago, Illinois

"Psychological Implications of Over-Eating"
Skokie, Illinois

1992     Chicago, Society of Clinical Hypnosis "Early Recollections Regression via Hypnotherapy"
Chicago, Illinois

1986     University of Michigan "Hypnosis - Birth Experiences Relationship to Personality" Ann Arbor, Michigan

1985     Family Education Association "Encouraging Responsible Behavior"
Chicago, Illinois

"Handicap Children and the Adlerian View"
Chicago, Illinois

1984     Alfred Adler Institute Montessori Training Workshop: "Understanding Dynamics of Behavior in the Classroom Chicago, Illinois

TOPS - Take Off Pounds Safely
"The Four Components of Weight Reduction Groups"
Skokie, Illinois

1983     East Bank Club "Body Image - Early Memories" Overweight & Behavior Modification" Chicago, Illinois

1982     Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Lecturer and Workshop Director Faculty and Continuing Education Courses Department of Psychiatry Faculty Member Baltimore, Maryland

1981     Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine - Panel "Obesity Update: Obesity and Other Eating Disorders "Department of Psychiatry Faculty Member Baltimore, Maryland

1979     Lincolnshire School District "Understanding Children's Behavior and Encouragement Techniques in the Classroom - Communication in the Classroom" Lincolnshire, Illinois

1977     Participated in Training Personnel to Work with Spanish Speaking Adolescents in the Inner City Schools Chicago, Illinois


Lang EV, Anderson B, Laser E. Development of an Electronic Teaching Module in Therapeutic Communication Skills. Medical Education Day. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 29 Oct 2002

Anderson B. Hatsiopoulou O, Laser E, Lang EV. Electronic Teaching of Patient-Doctor Interactions. 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the RSNA, Chicago, Dec 1- 6, 2002. Awarded a Certificate of Merit.

Lang EV, Anderson B, Laser E. Advancing competency in interpersonal and communication skills. ACGME Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 3-5, 2003. Judges Award received+

Lang EV, Anderson B, Laser E. Communication Skill Training Based on Patient Outcome Validated Data. . Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Oct 2003

Lang EV, Anderson B, Laser E. Teaching Core Competency in interpersonal and communication skills: Not only for the resident. 89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the RSNA, Chicago, 29 Nov-4 Dec 2003.

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