I work like my name, LASER: fast, direct and accurate. No time to waste. Your brain is a computer that no one can build. Through hypnosis, I can help you to shift and delete your old message – old computerized behavior – while you reenter new behavior and quality changes.
"Out with the old, in with the new." Change your belief. Change your behavior. Change the result. You will conquer, redirect, and accomplish your goals. Explore my web site to view the many symptoms and concept of my work.
Thank you,
Eleanor Laser Ph.D
I am a member of numerous professional affiliations, including the Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Visit my bio page for my full resume!
What some of my clients have said about me:
"I highly recommend Dr. Laser. Her method was the only thing that helped me lose the weight and keep it off."
--Mary Shaw
"Dr. Laser hypnotized me to help me stop smoking. Our session proved totally successful."
--Stephen D. Nechtow.
"The hypnotherapy session was nothing like the cliché stuff you see on television: I was conscious the entire time as Dr. Laser led me through a series of visualizations that helped me get to the source of the problem and left me with a post-hypnotic suggestion that allows me to handle flare ups as they arise."
--Lee Ingalls - Writer, Performer, Independent Radio Producer
"Dr. Laser brings out the best in me and, after our sessions, she puts me in control of maintaining my learnings with tools, mantras, triggers and visualizations to support your goals for each session with her."
--Marie Getsug
"Hypnosis for childbirth allowed me to relax during the height of my labor. It also reduced any fear I had about labor."
--Connie Izquierdo
"I recommend it to anybody who wants to quit!" See video
Click here for more success stories and go to my Yelp page for more 5 star reviews!
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